Naughty Girl
Ur going to get a spanking
Menu of Pleasure
The fire burns, so put it out!
Me so horny, me love u long time
Ur such a bad girl
Prerequisites: (Empty bladder and bowls; clean armpits, feet, and anus very well. Don't put on any deodorant.) or (We can wash each other up in the shower.)
Create the Atmosphere: Make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Play soft music for gentle and hard music 4 fucking. Different types of aromas and I 'll do the rocker. I'll be doing body listening and Feeling during our whole session.
Erotic Massage: Head massage, Touch Meditation, Love Body(\(\(\(\(\(\(Crab), Vulva Massage, Anus Massage, Tickle, ROT, etc
Foreplay: Conversation, Body Love, have u masturbate and play O music, Lion-Mane, Buzzing, Tongue Massage, Slider, 4 knocks on the front door, Lotuses, Clitoral Message, Superhuman Breath, Webslinger, Shark, Spook, Tug and Pull, Hello, Sunny Face, One thousand pokes of Life, Double Blow, Circle Flick, Dogie Lover, ROT, Fluid Exchange, Rescuing the Captain, Sweet Sensation, Good Girl/Bad Girl, fulfill ur fantasies, etc
Fucking: Fast then slow thrusts, Blue lotus ,Funny (not so explicit), Rythmetic Squeeze and Pussy Quake at the same time, grooving, booty jiggle, anal, Finger Fuck, finger in butt, DST, Sword Fighting, ROT, etc
Positions: Doggy Style (different types), Push and Pull, Levers, Pogo stick, 69, lawnmower, body surfing, Lusty Lean, Tiger's tread, Body Surfing, Standing Warp, Figure of Eight, Cowgirl, etc
Fuckathon: How long can you fuck?
Rough Sex: Bondage, Domination, Submission, Aggression, Biting/Scratching, Slapping, Spitting, Choking, Spanking, Squeezing, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Freaky Talk(very explicit), Role Playing, Safe Word, Boundaries, etc Toys click here
Gentle Sex: Around About, Karezza, synchronized breathing, om, Tao sharing,
Positions: Missionary, Flower Press, Fluttering Phoenix, Proposal, etc
Cuddling: Hand action, touch all over, Romance, Love Sounds, ss
Q/A: frame after each segment or at the end. Ask her how she liked it and what was favorite parts and ask her how u can be better.
Sensual: Sensual Massage and 4play
Intimate: Shower, Gentle Sex, and Cuddling
Simple: Shower, Fucking, Cuddling
Regular: 4play, Fucking, Cuddling
Rock and Roll: Fucking and Rough Sex
Hard Knock: 4play and Rough Sex
Ur The Boss, Pick What Ever U Want. You pay 4 time only. Pick whatever u like.