Nice Girl
I want to wake up in your arms.
You are such a sweetheart
I love you more with every breath and heartbeat
Meet and Greet page has contact info. 4 women only.

Mind Elevation

Body Improvement
I offer kick boxing, zumba, arm and leg strengthening, abs and power walking, yoga, qi gong, etc.
We'll discuss various topics and anything else on your mind. We'll discus why it so important to live your life your way. We will figure out the meaning of life together.
Breathing Exericises: We will breath deep, fast, and hold our breath.
Soul Breath: We Put our forehead together and breath 7 times or more.
Energy Cultivation: We will use our imagination to exchange energy from one another.
Companionship: We can eat out, go to the movies, clubbing, comedy show, karaoke, amusement parks, grocery store, cards, broad games, etc.
Affirmations: We will say words that make us feel better and increase our self-confidence.
Tender Talk: We'll talk about how you feel and why you feel the way you do. We will resolve any negative emotions you have and replace them with positive emotions.
Heart Sharing: We put our hands on each other heart..
Love Rub: I rub your face with love in my hand.

Spiritual Evolution

Heart Centeredness
You will become more optimistic after we perform these activities. I offer a 5* experience that you wouldn't have anywhere else. These services will help you become a better person. A better wife, mother, friend. You will see the world in a new light, everything will be brighter!